Last night my friend Dan and I went to the M's vs. Red Sox game. He picked me up on his motorcycle, which if you know me, you know I am deathly scared of driving in a car - let alone a bike. He got a new helmet just to fit me! So we took the bike on the backroads - like 4th ave, not 99 - to Safeco. We parked, locked the helmets and walked toward the stadium. Dan had some extra tickets so we sold two to a random couple in line.

OK, but here is the weird, random trade story. Some guy traded us a program and a pencil for a ticket. I am not sure why he threw in the pencil. Then Dan went to this guy who has a "homeless vet" cardboard sign that is at most games and gave him a ticket, the program and the pencil in return for a compliment to me. I also have to mention... he was a surprisingly clean homeless vet. We go in, I buy a t-shirt, we get food and drinks (no alcohol today! My liver needs a break and Dan was on the motorcycle) and sat in our seats.

We sat for awhile, watched the M's play decently, watched some Red Sox get ejected. Then this guy comes and sits next to us. Turns out he got the ticket from the homeless vet... and guess what... he had the program and the pencil! So, then in turn, I got the pencil back. Weird.

The Red Sox tied the game, but then in the bottom of the 9th the M's won. They charged the field in celebration as if they won the freaking World Series, but instead they just broke their 7 game losing streak.

Then Dan took me home - on the bike. I was less scared this time, but still I am afraid of cabs pulling in front of us and what not.

The Tigers are here Thur-Sun - I cannot wait! Until then, I will keep watching the Pistons game... I hate how the announcers are all for Boston. They Pistons are up 42-38... GO PISTONS!


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