So last night Dan and I watched my Pistons get creamed... Sad... Very, very sad... I guess the Wings lost, too. Sad night for Detroit.
Then Dan and I went to the Tutta Bella by his house. The upstairs tables have an amazing view of the Queen Anne hill. The food is pretty good, specialty pizzas and what not (about 10 bucks each). They put water on your table, which I like, because I drink a ton of water.

We came home and couldn't play the Wii, cuz all of our Wii remotes were at my house... so we just watched random TV and went to bed early, which was a good thing because this morning... we were rudely awoken at 7am by the fire alarm.
Yes, we were dead asleep and Dan kept fiddling with his alarm clock and I was finally like, um, get clothes on, it's your fire alarm. So we got dressed and went outside. The fire was actually on his floor, I could see smoke, but it smelled like burnt toast. The fire department came and we took my car and went to breakfast at CJ's Eatery.
Then I dropped Dan off back at his house, and went home... and started working, and still am...
Oh, and apparently I am not the only person who hates when people say, "Wooo!" Grunt and Center: Victim Says Workout Shouts Led to NYC Gym Assault
One more thing... my gutting fish video got a YouTube honor... #40 - Most Viewed (This Week) - Pets & Animals - India... Hhhmm...
Then Dan and I went to the Tutta Bella by his house. The upstairs tables have an amazing view of the Queen Anne hill. The food is pretty good, specialty pizzas and what not (about 10 bucks each). They put water on your table, which I like, because I drink a ton of water.

We came home and couldn't play the Wii, cuz all of our Wii remotes were at my house... so we just watched random TV and went to bed early, which was a good thing because this morning... we were rudely awoken at 7am by the fire alarm.
Yes, we were dead asleep and Dan kept fiddling with his alarm clock and I was finally like, um, get clothes on, it's your fire alarm. So we got dressed and went outside. The fire was actually on his floor, I could see smoke, but it smelled like burnt toast. The fire department came and we took my car and went to breakfast at CJ's Eatery.
Then I dropped Dan off back at his house, and went home... and started working, and still am...
Oh, and apparently I am not the only person who hates when people say, "Wooo!" Grunt and Center: Victim Says Workout Shouts Led to NYC Gym Assault
One more thing... my gutting fish video got a YouTube honor... #40 - Most Viewed (This Week) - Pets & Animals - India... Hhhmm...