Sunday (yesterday) Dan and I woke up, I made breakfast then we went off to the game. We tried to get on the free ride bus at 1st and Bell, but it was full, so it just drove past us. Then we went to Alaskan and Bell to get that bus, but it didn't come, so we ended up meeting random Detroit people and shared a cab with them.

We got into the game, got some beers, then snuck into seats that were way better than ours. Ok, so the game was on June 1, you think June, you think summer... and we were wearing hoodies and jackets and we were still cold! Oh, not to mention the sky had this perfect thick blanket of grey clouds above us...

The Tigers won the game, we stayed till the end... then we walked to Pioneer Square to get some food, but ended up going to Elliott's on Pier 56. I thought we could still get lunch, we couldn't, but we just really wanted the chowder anyway. We sat at the oyster bar and I chatted up the guy behind the counter and asked what oysters were best, and I told him I liked the salt oysters. He had me try one from Otter Bay, and oh my was it yummy. We ended up ordering 6 of them.

After that we went to my house, took a nap - which was much needed after a busy day of baseball ;) Then woke up, I took Dan home and then came back here and passed out.


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