Rarely do I have the chance to take daylight flights into Seattle, and when I do I have never sat next to the window. Well, today I was doing both and just wanted to share what I saw from my view.

My favorite is the last one, with the clouds totally covering the land below, with the exception of two mountains peaking above the clouds. I love little pleasures.

So, let me talk about Delta's first class. I have flown many domestic first class airlines... Northwest, Alaska, Continental, United, US Airways... but Delta is by far the best.

First, water bottles were in our seats along with new pillows and blankets, oh headphones, too. Our drink order was taken within two minutes, and they just kept coming without having to ask for a new one. The flight attendants were amazing, so very nice and warm. The food wasn't too bad, it was airline food, but tasted OK.

Oh, Jason Mraz was playing during boarding and deplaning. I guess Delta plays "I'm Yours" in their rotation. It is funny because I remember the first time we met Jason (and Ian) at a DMB concert in Chicago... man, in 2002? My girlfriend Alex and I drove to Chicago and Ian gave us backstage passes but it turns out we were not supposed to go backstage, who knows... and Jason kept spitting into a garbage can - it was not cute. Man, that was six years ago. It is just funny to me still when I hear his music random places... like boarding my airplane.

Here is an old pic from Jan 2003, at Small's Bar and Grill outside of Detroit...


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